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Spay & Neuter

Why Should I Spay or Neuter my Pet?
Spaying and neutering provides long-term health benefits to your dog or cat and helps avoid certain problematic behaviors, such as roaming or urine marking. It also helps reduce the number of unwanted pets.

Female dogs go through a reproductive cycle, or "heat," every six months, usually once in the spring and again in the fall. The entire cycle may be as short as several days or as long as four weeks. During heat cycles, female dogs produce a bloody discharge and often exhibit personality changes, such as becoming short-tempered or anxious.

Female cats enter their reproductive cycles every three to four weeks during certain times of the year, primarily in the spring and fall. Many female cats become nervous during these heat cycles and exhibit unusual behaviors, such as rolling on the floor, hiding furtively, or begging for constant attention. They also become quite vocal, meowing loudly throughout this time.

After they reach sexual maturity, around six to nine months of age, male dogs and cats are able to breed any time they are exposed to receptive females. Male cats are known to "mark" their territories by spraying odorous urine on furniture, walls, and shrubs. Male dogs are equally likely to mark their territories in this manner when the pet is neutered. Neutering may also reduce aggressive behavior.

Unneutered male dogs and cats are prone to wander in search of a female in heat. This means trouble! Pets who wander are exposed to disease more frequently, and they get injured in fights and traffic accidents much more often than pets that do not wander.

In animal shelters throughout North America, six to eight million unwanted dogs and cats are euthanized each year. Although these figures seem staggering, it's easy to understand when you consider this: If one pair of cats produces eight kittens per year, and each of those kittens then produces an average of eight kittens per year, almost 300,000 cats are in the "family tree" in year six. In year seven, the descendants of the original mother and father cat number almost 2.4 million!      - AAHA Spaying or Neutering Your Pet
Local Spay and Neuter Resources


Each organization may have restrictions, please call them for specific details. Other resources may be available in your area.

WCSPCA Bartlesville
16620 State Hwy 123
Bartlesville, Ok 74006

We work with area veterinarians to offer low-cost spay/neuter certificates to pet owners who qualify based on income. Some pets will need to receive wellness exams prior to their spay/neuter appointment (additional fees may apply). Call or come into the shelter and we’ll be happy to review the details with you!

- $85  Dogs

- $35  Male Cat

- $50  Female Cat

Partner Veterinarians (call WCSPCA to purchase your voucher first)

Osage County ONLY

  • **Johnston Veterinary Clinic163 Co Rd 2602 • Pawhuska, OK • 918-287-9990

                                  **Dogs 45lbs or less $90 / Female Cats $60 / Male Cats $45

Washington County

  • 4 The Animals Veterinary Clinic500 E. 5th Street • Bartlesville, OK • 74003 • 918-815-9122 •

  • **Animal Medical Center Dr. Amanda Jennings • 2610 SE Washington Blvd • Bartlesville, OK • 74006 • 918-337-0101

                                  **$85 - 45lbs  /  $105 - 55lbs  /  $125 - 65lbs  /  $145 - 75lbs  /  $165 - 85lbs  /  $185 - 95lbs  /  $205 - 105lbs


ARF Bartlesville

399519 US-60

Bartlesville, OK 74006


Prices are reflected below which includes a rabies vaccination. Pain meds are an additional $8.

    Dogs (Price depends on weight of the dog)

-  $85 (<20 lbs)
-  $95 (21 - 40 lbs)
-  $105 (41 - 75 lbs)
-  $115 (>75 lbs)

     Cats (Kittens must weigh at least 3 lbs.+)

-  $75


      Additional charges will be added for pregnancy, in heat, hernia removal, etc. Any other health issues discovered during surgery cannot be addressed due to time limitations and will need to be addressed with patient’s vet.


Spay OK
227 East Apache Street

Tulsa, OK 74106

- $45  Adult Cat (includes pain medication)
- $35  Kitten (8 weeks or 2 pounds – 20 weeks old and includes pain medication)
- $60  Adult Dog (includes pain medication)
- $50  Puppy (8 weeks or 2 pounds – 20 weeks old and includes pain medication)

Moms and Litters

- $200  Mom dog and her puppies up to 16 weeks in age:
            total cost for Mom dog and her puppies (5 puppies included)

- $160  Mom cat and her kittens up to 16 weeks in age:
            total cost for Mom cat and her kittens (5 kittens included)

Tulsa SPCA
2910 Mohawk Blvd.
Tulsa, Ok 74110


- $90  Dog Neuter

- $95  Dog Spay

- $60  Cat Neuter

- $65  Cat Spay



Contact Us

16620 State Hwy 123

Bartlesville, OK 74006


Hours of Operation 

Sunday: Closed

Monday: 8 am - 12 pm RECLAIMS ONLY

Tuesday - Friday: 1 pm - 6 pm

Saturday: 11 am - 4 pm

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